New words and pictures on poetry, wellbeing and nature.

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The time has come to move beyond my diary. M.E. has been part of my life for ten years and whilst the illness has not gone away, I want to shift my focus to the power of poetry to heal, bring joy and create paths to growth. My substack will look at the whys and hows of poetry, my favourite poetry books and types of poems. I’ll explore what it is that makes this way of writing so perfect for capturing and clarifying emotion. Woven through it all is the joy of the landscape where I live and the community I call home, this small but feisty Shropshire village near Ironbridge.

New poetry, new poetry film

This is also going to be the place I showcase my latest poetry films. You’ll be joining me on a journey into something completely new - I’ll share my mistakes as well as my successes and give you insight into what to me is an incredibly exciting strand of expression.

This is such a new venture for me but I’m so thrilled about it - it’s a medium that gives me that flutter of excitement. New poems, new pamphlets, heck I might even tell you what the trees tell me whilst I’m gardening. I’d love you to join me on the next stage of my adventures in poetry.

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Subscribe to This Wild Feeling - Kathryn Anna Marshall

Join me on my quest to discover my own Wild Feeling. I'm a poet and writer living with chronic illness and cPTSD. My letters are about travel, writing, poetry film and seeing the world through a writer's lens.


Join me on my journey through the wild joy of writing. Follow my exploration of poetry film and learn about the ways writing helps me live with chronic illness and CPTSD.