Apr 5Liked by Kathryn Anna Marshall

I was just about to add something before you replied. That last bit was about me and my reaction to Substack. I just wanted to say that you have things to say of immense value and it seems you get a great response, which of course I envy, along with your youth and wonderful red hair. ❤️

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Apr 5Liked by Kathryn Anna Marshall

Hi Kathryn, I wish you all the best. It’s a rum old world. I’m nearly 82, am not well off but certainly don’t need to make money from writing nor build a career. I drifted into writing bits during lockdown and enjoyed it, never occurred to me to think about getting published but the hard sell stuff does get to me. When others get poems accepted I want that too, then I think why not a pamphlet and I know full well a publisher would look at the number of my followers etc etc and I know I just haven’t got the space in my life for all the self publicity required. Who are the endless readers paying up front to make all these people a living? It has surprised me how little interaction there is on Substack. There’s good stuff but it’s all so time consuming. I have given up commenting on the things I started to follow mostly because it becomes a trap, trying to follow the mostly non existent replies. Never mind, I have a few folders of poems that will light a few fires when I’m gone.😂

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Apr 5Liked by Kathryn Anna Marshall

I feel this. I’m gradually getting some interaction which is nice and good. It feels less lonely that way. I didn’t realise you could make money on substack when I first joined up, not actual real money that could sustain you. I also doubt that I ever will. But that doesn’t matter. Connection does.

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Apr 9Liked by Kathryn Anna Marshall

Somehow I missed this until just now (always so grateful for Dave Bonta's roundup), but probably because I was taking a mini-break from Substack--partly because I wasn't feeling physically well and partly because of ALL the things you've written here. I've largely let go of writing ambitions I once had, but we all want to feel as if we belong, don't we? And Substack--especially Notes--can make us feel as if we don't. I'm glad to have found you here, and I always appreciate your writing.

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Apr 6Liked by Kathryn Anna Marshall

Wonderful honest thoughtful reflections. Thank you lovely x

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Apr 5Liked by Kathryn Anna Marshall

This really strikes a chord with me Kathryn. I’m always thinking I should try and get more subscribers, or make some money, that I’m not really successful etc, but then I always come back to the same place, the one where I tell myself that for me the writing is what counts. And being my true self. I’ve never been good at the ‘big writing,’ that makes the money.

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It is strange isn't it? I'm so grateful for the community and people I've met through Wendy's courses - I think we're such a variety of ages and outlooks. I've missed being part of it this year - looking forward to the one in May. And I've just realised I still haven't bought your pamphlet! I really do love your poetry - yes they will light some fires !

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